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  • Penalty does not alter the race result in any way though

    So not really a penalty at all. I thought Max was a bit of a dick before today. Today he earned Total Cunt status. Brake-testing another driver is a total dick move. No excuses, no forgiveness.

  • Penalty does not alter the race result in any way though

    So not really a penalty at all.

    Just like Hamilton's in Silverstone. Personally I'm not 100% sold on this idea of looking at the incident itself and not allowing the severity of the outcomes to dictate the penalty, but that's what they've settled on. Can't have it both ways.

    Brake-testing another driver is a total dick move.

    Agree on this though. Personally I don't think this was an intentional brake test, but an attempt to ensure Hamilton had passed before the DRS line (personally I don't see any issue with this bit). Surely it'd be an utterly daft move to attempt as the risk of having some race-ending damage to the diffuser/gearbox is pretty high from being hit right from behind?

    Though if what I've heard is true with Red Bull getting the message much earlier than Mercedes about Hamilton being let through, to the point that Hamilton was only told as he was going into the back of Verstappen. That's a bit of a clusterfuck from Masi, again.


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