You are number 1549 in the queue. Your estimated wait time is about 5 minutes.
Seems lots of people are trying now they've announced the boosters are going to be brought forward.
Seeing if I can move my appointment a bit closer, although I'm giving blood in a couple of weeks so I can't move it too far forward (they want 7 full days gap since having a vaccination).
(Got in, can't move it any earlier, happy with that anyway.)
You are in a queue
Lots of people are trying to book an appointment.
You are number 1549 in the queue. Your estimated wait time is about 5 minutes.
Seems lots of people are trying now they've announced the boosters are going to be brought forward.
Seeing if I can move my appointment a bit closer, although I'm giving blood in a couple of weeks so I can't move it too far forward (they want 7 full days gap since having a vaccination).
(Got in, can't move it any earlier, happy with that anyway.)