Looking for some recommendations/detective work here. A while ago I had a pour over from a shop that tasted distinctly of spices/Lotus Biscoffs/those German biscuits you eat at Christmas. It was great. I can't remember where it was from now and any search for "coffee" + "spices" or "ginger" etc just brings up coffee with ginger added to it which is not what I'm after. Any ideas of where I could start to try and find a coffee with similar characteristics?
I think when I've had some Indonesian coffees in the past I remember these flavours being noticeable, so maybe see if any roasters you like are doing anything from e.g. Sulawesi or Java and check the flavour notes in the description?
Looking for some recommendations/detective work here. A while ago I had a pour over from a shop that tasted distinctly of spices/Lotus Biscoffs/those German biscuits you eat at Christmas. It was great. I can't remember where it was from now and any search for "coffee" + "spices" or "ginger" etc just brings up coffee with ginger added to it which is not what I'm after. Any ideas of where I could start to try and find a coffee with similar characteristics?