I've got a few nice lamps that use 12V G4 20W halogen bulbs. They came with a transformer built into the plug. Unfortunately the transformers have all now failed. I previously revived a couple of them by driving them with a standard downlight transformer that I put in an earthed enclosure. I'd like to revive the others, but would prefer not to have a separate enclosure. Is there a suitable wall-wart style 12V transformer that I could wire the lamp flex directly into or join to it with a torpedo connector. I'd think almost anything would work except that my understanding is that lighting adaptors are specifically rated down to 0W just in case the bulb fails.
I've got a few nice lamps that use 12V G4 20W halogen bulbs. They came with a transformer built into the plug. Unfortunately the transformers have all now failed. I previously revived a couple of them by driving them with a standard downlight transformer that I put in an earthed enclosure. I'd like to revive the others, but would prefer not to have a separate enclosure. Is there a suitable wall-wart style 12V transformer that I could wire the lamp flex directly into or join to it with a torpedo connector. I'd think almost anything would work except that my understanding is that lighting adaptors are specifically rated down to 0W just in case the bulb fails.