Oh definitely, can’t wait to be that cosy, the place we’re renting isn’t bad but will be nowhere near as warm as our place when done.
Delivery of all the internal bits arrived today so that’s the rest of the insulation, internal walls, doors, plasterboard, skirting and all the other bits and pieces.
Also picked up this amazing live edge bit of oak! Chopped it down and squared the edges that would be sitting against the wall and got it sanded for treating at some point. This is going to be for the bathroom sink and it was a long enough slab that there was enough for a shelf underneath as well. I reckon we’ll go with a proper sink rather than a basin though..
Also picked up this massive old sink for use in the workshop, perfect size for if I get back into screen printing for rinsing screens and things.
Totally great stuff - you'll be as content as the cat if not already!