I don’t think it is myth though. I think the people who are motivated enough to travel to foreign countries and find work will, on average, be more motivated people than those who are just looking for p/t work in their local town.
Obviously there will be exceptions and that doesn’t mean your daughter doesn’t work hard!
I think catering is an area where it is really apparent who is working hard and who is just working to clock or less skilled - the fact it is described as an unskilled industry really grates, to me, as I think there is a huge amount of skill to do it well.
Isn’t it also a bit of a generalisation to say ‘middle class people don’t get what working class people do’? I would say I’m middle class, i worked in hotels and bars for 15 yrs…
I am deliberately being a bit of a dickhead, but I'm just not buying into the myth that foreign workers work harder.
The yougest Janglette works in a restaurant. Yesterday, she started at 11.30am and finished at 2.00am, which is the sort of shift I used to do when I was her age.
Part of my point - if I have one - is that middle class people (such as the posh bird in the Guardian article), don't really understand what working class peole do. I can let that pass for the middle class, but the fact that the Guardian don't get it is a dissapointment.