I think the pace will be something around 15mph as it's quite hilly. Any slower really and I find the cold starts creeping in. HDIJ rides have had 2 (or even 3) groups in the past, so as always if there are enough riders with a likeminded pace they are welcome to form their own group. This goes for anyone who would like to haul ass off front as well. As we'll all be meeting in the same pub afterwards I don't mind, other than I do like riding with you lot so a good sized steady group would selfishly be nice for me.
Self-sufficiency is key though, so whatever your group make up is you need to have the mechanical skills and routing abilities to get around.@vilms5000 SS is cool
What’s the pace vibe going to be like? I’ve managed distance no worries on the fixed. But I ain’t going to pushing much past 13mph average 😬😬