Was reading about it, I think Cricket, and to a certain extent Rugby and Golf and other predominantly white middle class pursuits are always going to have that institutionalised racist foundation in them. A bit like the police force, so despite it being horrific for Azeem Rafiq, his family and for the others who've suffered there, it kind of gets a shrug, maybe because I think, how else would you expect them to act. Just kind of showing their true colours.
But it does also highlight the islamaphobia within that institution as well, and how little they've actually tried to understand and integrate the Pakistani and Indian immigrants who live and work there.But as with all of these things, a couple of heads of organisations falling on their swords isn't going to change anything. Probably just becomes another line in the sand for the culture war proponents. Education, and instruction into why people of colour are in this country, why they came, why they stay, what the empire actually did, not just the fluffy ideal of the commonwealth games, and how white privilege leads to all of this abuse, is required. But I doubt that will happen, it'll take too much heavy lifting on those who have no stake in making change.
God I sound cynical.
Surprised the Yorkshire cricket club scandal hasn't been discussed here. Is it on another thread?
The testimony we heard this week illuminates many of the points made above about racism on a personal and structural level.