That's quite a nice layout - didn't think of using google sheets to track workouts & generate a graph on the hoof, might import my excel version into that as it would save maintaining 2 sets of dataz. I do like to keep track of progress - helps motivation no end here.
I'm also regretting that I stopped the gym, been back for about 3 months but i'm still a bit off where I was 2-3 years ago. Still, it's a target & should be achievable - was getting to the point I was struggling with most exercises at 5x5 though, should be back at that level by Christmas, then i'll undergo a dedicated recovery phase & mix it up a bit in the New Year.
Enjoying lifting again, after last trying 10 years ago. Regret giving it up now!
Late to the talk of apps and sheets, prefer to log my lifts into a google sheet while at the gym. It works while I'm doing the same lifts and similar reps & gives some nice outputs.
Making good progress, against % body weight, after 9 weeks (3x5 or 3x3 when trying to get the weight up).