I’ve been thinking about having the ones the previous owner fitted removed from my car since I bought it, but it’s just failed it’s NCT (Irish MOT) due to fronts being too dark, and I’m thinking of taking a hairdryer and razor to them after lunch.
Ironically it passed at the same test centre in January and the tints weren’t even mentioned. I actually didn’t even realise the fronts were tinted they’re so light.
It's doable but a massive PITA (rear windscreen almost killed me and it destroyed the demister)... If I had to do it again I'd get it done professionally...
Has anyone ever removed window tints themselves?
I’ve been thinking about having the ones the previous owner fitted removed from my car since I bought it, but it’s just failed it’s NCT (Irish MOT) due to fronts being too dark, and I’m thinking of taking a hairdryer and razor to them after lunch.
Ironically it passed at the same test centre in January and the tints weren’t even mentioned. I actually didn’t even realise the fronts were tinted they’re so light.