This ^
And most of them remain that way throughout. It's only once they're a bit over the hill that they ever seem to ease up and seem to focus on enjoying their time (Alonso & Vettel spring to mind).
Growing up as a Schumacher fan, I never understood the massive difference in public opinion in this part of the world between Senna & Schumacher. I assumed it was down to Senna being dead, people tend to let go (at least publically) of the negative opinions a bit when that happens.
Though to be fair, out of all the champions in the past couple of decades, Kimi & Mika stand out as being pretty not-dick-ish.
out of all the champions in the past couple of decades, Kimi & Mika stand out as being pretty not-dick-ish.
Damon Hill? Deffers not a dick in my book. Would've won two WDC if Schumacher hadn't deliberately driven into him at Adelaide. Like he tried to with Villeneuve, but failed.
I'm all for hard racing, but when you get to the point where you'd rather deliberately drive into another car than lose, you're a dick. And I put Senna, Schumacher and Verstappen in that category without hesitation.
Win fair, or don't win. Winning by foul play is losing.
They're all dicks at the start