So, storage/security options. As I've now got an ebullitt coming in about a month this is a very real issue. I don't have a choice but to put it in the front garden, long term I'd like to have proper storage built but it'll probably involve the front wall going and a complete redo of the front garden so not imminent.
At the moment I already (and have done for 4 years) have my sweet fixeh commuter chained to a wall anchor and haven't had any issues. My plan is to have another ground anchor so it's secured with 2 thick motorbike chains but I've also been wondering whether a frame lock with an alarm would be a worthwhile added deterrent and if anyone has any experience? I've seen the Ilockit one which also has GPS but have concerns about an electrically controlled lock.
Basically that, having insurance and hoping for the best is all I can think to do at the moment.
So, storage/security options. As I've now got an ebullitt coming in about a month this is a very real issue. I don't have a choice but to put it in the front garden, long term I'd like to have proper storage built but it'll probably involve the front wall going and a complete redo of the front garden so not imminent.
At the moment I already (and have done for 4 years) have my sweet fixeh commuter chained to a wall anchor and haven't had any issues. My plan is to have another ground anchor so it's secured with 2 thick motorbike chains but I've also been wondering whether a frame lock with an alarm would be a worthwhile added deterrent and if anyone has any experience? I've seen the Ilockit one which also has GPS but have concerns about an electrically controlled lock.
Basically that, having insurance and hoping for the best is all I can think to do at the moment.