It being a Garmin it has the occasional wobble (once every few months) but nothing drastic
What sort of stuff do you find happens?
My Fenix 6 tends to puke once or twice a year and it took me ages to figure out its because the on board memory was filling up with activities. I now periodically wipe storage to avoid it.
What sort of stuff do you find happens?
Wrist based HR simply can't keep up with rapidly changing HR so I can't rely on it to record HR whilst playing 5-a-side football. I've banged on about this in this thread before. When running it'll be fine for 90% of runs but then one run in ten it'll under-read my HR by ~20bpm for the first 5 or 6 minutes and then jump up to the correct HR.
About 1 in 20 times I take it off charge it just hangs (usually on the screen it displays when it is charging) and needs to be turned off and back on before it's usable.
Really rarely (once or twice in 18 months) it fails to get a GPS lock within 2 minutes when starting an activity and needs to be turned off and back on again. Usually it takes under 10 seconds to get a full GPS lock, and the watch is within range of a wifi network so it has quick access to ephemeris/almanac data so no idea what the problem is here. Again, power cycle fixes it perfectly.
About 1 in 50 swims randomly fails to record any HR info, despite it coming from wrist based HR.
GPS related problems are rare, and I don't care about minor glitches, but it did fail to record a GPS track for 3/4 of one of my Swim Serpentine swims:-
whereas the second and third 2 miles that day were recorded fine:-
https://www.strava.com/activities/2728678738No memory problems, my 945 has >4GB free as I've only got a small amount of music on it.
Looking at my archive I've got 343 activities taking up 43MB since I got the 945 in June 2020.
Still really happy with it overall.
Got a 945. Upgraded from my 935 as I wanted the SpO2 monitoring in times of Covid.
I wear it for running and swimming (pool and open water) and enjoy not having to wear a HR strap when pool swimming (the wrist based HR is good enough for that, but not good enough IMHO for running).
Also good for cycling as for most of my rides I don't need a map or to look at any data whilst riding, it just records the ride (including data from power meter). Also good for connecting to the stationary bikes (Stages or Wattbike) at the local gym if I'm doing a Zwift session or spin class.
Mine is 18 months old now and the battery life isn't what it used to be, but it will still easily last 4-5 days (with 24/7 HR and SpO2 measuring) with the odd activity and I've just got into a habit of charging it whenever I have a bath/shower and that keeps it topped up.
Don't use the music stuff often at all (I don't run with music) but handy to know it's there if it was needed.
It being a Garmin it has the occasional wobble (once every few months) but nothing drastic. Generally something like getting into a state where it needs a complete reset, or failing to record some aspect of a run/swim (e.g. just completely failing to record HR).
Accuracy is great (wrist based HR excepted).
Will definitely replace mine with something similar (not a Fenix) when it comes round to it.
Cons are it is £££ and overkill for purely running. Look for the 245 (I think) for that.