Pay the cunts the average wage, second jobs can fuck off, jobs after being an MP are limited for 10 years but there's a stipend available if needed,if they don't want to work for that then they aren't the kind of people that should be doing the job anyway. Make it easier to become an MP for normal people, there's plenty of talented people out there that would love a decent job helping people for 30k a year, or 50k a year once the average wage starts going up if that's what the people in charge are being paid.
Pay the cunts the average wage, second jobs can fuck off, jobs after being an MP are limited for 10 years but there's a stipend available if needed,if they don't want to work for that then they aren't the kind of people that should be doing the job anyway. Make it easier to become an MP for normal people, there's plenty of talented people out there that would love a decent job helping people for 30k a year, or 50k a year once the average wage starts going up if that's what the people in charge are being paid.