If you check prospects.ac.uk they list expected salary for a “big 4” employed qualified chartered accountant (which you could probably do before you were 25) as £85k plus a £17k bonus.
A dull degree educated level job without the prospect of being sacked after 4 years or getting murdered by your clients usually.
Are we arguing that 2.75 times the average national salary (lol, plus some very generous expenses) just isn’t fair or something? What problem are we trying to solve by giving MPs a big pay increase to compensate them for not being able to do an open corruption anymore?
Better: tax the fuck out of every useless exec parasite who earns a metric fuckton of cash every year, simultaneously enriching the public coffers and making MPs feel slightly less hard done by by only just being amongst the very best earners in the country.
Just going to skip right over the word “necessarily” there, huh?
Golf club thread is over there 👉