Here's a GK 650b 42mm on a 21mm internal. 2mm clearance on the fork, plenty at the back.* I think if one wanted to do this the best option is to try to find a road A2C fork that will take a bigger tyre - you might even get away with a 47mm then
This is V1, not V2 as I said above
* two points: a) ignore the mudguards, it's the width that is tight b) my flatmate is using my rear wheel so that's the front jammed in at very close to the right place
Thanks, that's useful info.
What I want to do is have two wheel sets that I can interchange with the minimum of fuss. So a 700 set for tarmac and the 650b with knobbly tyres for off road. So looking at tyre options of around 40mm I guess
Here's a GK 650b 42mm on a 21mm internal. 2mm clearance on the fork, plenty at the back.* I think if one wanted to do this the best option is to try to find a road A2C fork that will take a bigger tyre - you might even get away with a 47mm then
This is V1, not V2 as I said above
* two points: a) ignore the mudguards, it's the width that is tight b) my flatmate is using my rear wheel so that's the front jammed in at very close to the right place