Basic question but how does it work when you ssh into your computer, run a command that takes ages (e.g. copying loads of shit) and then close the computer that you used to remote in from? I've always assumed that the command completes but I've never really checked.
Depends on the command you run.
I tend to use
for anything that isn't going to be synchronous, i.e. that is potentially long-running.screen
starts a new session within the current console, then you run your command, thenCTRL+A CTRL+D
will detach it and return to your original session... now drop the SSH connection.Later... SSH in and
screen -r
and you can see the output of what you did.
Basic question but how does it work when you ssh into your computer, run a command that takes ages (e.g. copying loads of shit) and then close the computer that you used to remote in from? I've always assumed that the command completes but I've never really checked.