I’ve had bad lower back pain before and it now correlates almost entirely with how well I breath and brace on lifts. I thought I was doing it right for around five years but had an epiphany one day and, when I actually got it right, back tightness basically disappeared overnight (until I take it for granted and get sloppy again).
Obviously everyone’s different but this might be low hanging fruit for you. Hope it heals up quick!
These are by far my weakest lifts. Not sure what I'm doing wrong cause it nails my lower back everytime. I did a measly 100kg squat on Thursday and struggled to drive on Sunday cause my lower back kept spasming. I think my form is OK as I've had the PT check it...
Cant really do any pulling exercises because of my finger (puts huge pressure on the damaged part). So no back or deadlifts... Meh.
Gonna do more until my lower back leaves the building so I can get on a lift moar!