This was my goal this year (with a 1 plate OHP though I never do singles of OHP really). Surpassed squat and DL, still not there on the bench (in fairness it is the lift I have the least practice with, and the least carryover from other stuff I've done in the past). Got a 95kg bench single a while ago, still gunning for 100 by year end tho. I'm gonna be in america over xmas/ny tho so if I hit these it will be in freedom units so who knows.
Have put on enough chonk that these are not great in terms of BW ratio tho, 100 won't even be 90% BW now.
squat and DL
These are by far my weakest lifts. Not sure what I'm doing wrong cause it nails my lower back everytime. I did a measly 100kg squat on Thursday and struggled to drive on Sunday cause my lower back kept spasming. I think my form is OK as I've had the PT check it...
Cant really do any pulling exercises because of my finger (puts huge pressure on the damaged part). So no back or deadlifts... Meh.
Gonna do more until my lower back leaves the building so I can get on a lift moar!
That's pretty much what I was going to aim for.
Which brings me neatly to:
2 plate bench
3 plate squat
4 plate deadlift
By about this time next year.