I got a new battery twelve months ago, the key thing still kept happening... It happens every six weeks or so, for a day or two then goes away again, I can normally fix it by nudging the car forward or backwards a bit... But still frustrating as fuck...
Yesterday was next level, the key would not come out, I drove around the car park TWICE, nothing... I drove home and actually parked inside the gate as I figured I'd have to leave the key in the car... Of course it came out straight away...
The really fucking annoying thing is this has been happening since I bought it, it should've been fixed by the company I bought it off but they couldn't find a fault to fix so it's on me now...
As the car is now it won't even start, it's totally cactus...
First result for "subaru legacy key stuck in ignition" - seems like it's common across all the models