Assuming your stuck seat post is ali, you should try vinegar.
It's a pity you put penetrating oil in first, because it will tend to protect the corrosion from the acid in the vinegar, but even so I think a week or so should see the pin free.
'Inject' a whole bottle of cheap vinegar through the hole you've made, plug the hole, turn frame upside down and wait patiently.Bottom Bracket Shell
Probably all lugless frames are like yours, why would there be access to the frame tubes? I doubt very much that the shell is a casting - it's almost certainly just a bit of tubing.
A potential problem here is that if water gets into the seat tube (eg past the seat pin) it can't get out - it will sit at the bottom of the tube and cause rusting - it's not rare for frames to break for this reason. Perhaps it's worth drilling through the shell to allow any water to escape (n.b. bearing would need to be sealed).
As it’s looking likely this will need to go to the seatpost man in Lancashire :( stripped it all down.
Drilled a tiny hole in the top of the seatpost (well, it’s going to die if I can’t free it) and filled the seat tube up with plusgas. Easier to keep it level so as the gas has a chance to seep in.
Nothing ventured, etc.
Took the chance to also do a weigh in.
Frame, even with the post, is lighter than some of my mid-90’s Columbus bikes ha ha