I spent this afternoon putting these pdws on, quite pleased with them tbh. I've had a mixed week, i had a little slip on my commute on Tuesday which was annoying. Made me realise my caad 5 with 23mm tyres isn't sensible to ride through the winter so i set up the Isen for my commuting. I didn't ride at all on Thursday and it was my first day through this challenge that i thought what the Fxxk am i doing, this is stupid.
I spent this afternoon putting these pdws on, quite pleased with them tbh. I've had a mixed week, i had a little slip on my commute on Tuesday which was annoying. Made me realise my caad 5 with 23mm tyres isn't sensible to ride through the winter so i set up the Isen for my commuting. I didn't ride at all on Thursday and it was my first day through this challenge that i thought what the Fxxk am i doing, this is stupid.
Anyway it's day 288
Total distance: 28,827km
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