The issue you may find with this is that if you're sitting still the motion detector may not detect you.
I use a hue sensor to turn a TV (one of the frame ones that shows artwork) on via home assistant but if I'm just sat down it doesn't always detect that.
This looks like an interesting solution but I haven't had a chance to play with it yet as a tv occasionally not turning on isn't too important. https://www.room-assistant.io/
In your case - presuming that you work in a room notionally labelled as study - you need a TRV in the study but if you use Tado you'll also need TRVs in your living area because otherwise when the study TRV requests heat you'll be heating your living area unnecessarily (this is my current situation because I'm waiting on an offer on TRVs).
I like Tado but it isn't quite smart enough for me - being asked to pay for the home/away assist grates (shakes fist) and schedules are all very well but our routine varies too much, so I reckon we're still paying to heat house we don't need to heat.
I'm planning on installing this to my Home Assistant to get free home/away assist:
But even then we'll end up heating rooms we aren't actually using. So I'm thinking about using Hue motion sensors to check someone is actually in a room, then if nobody has been in a room for a certain amount of time the Tado TRVs won't start heating it up, unless someone goes into the room for a little while (not quickly popping in), then they'll heat it for a bit before turning off again if they haven't detected movement.
I need to work out how to do this but it should all be doable in Home Assistant as the Hue motion sensors work well with it.