The only camera I've used for three years now is a Canon EOS 300 that I paid a fiver for, along with a Canon 50mm f1.8. Yes, it's not as pocketable as a point and shoot but my god is it so much cheaper - and really quite capable. Far more capable than I am as a photographer
If you ever want to try more lenses out you can get PK - EOS lens adapters with an AF confirm chip for a little over £10 and it opens up a world of cheap pentax lenses you can use. Yeah, you have to manually turn the focus ring but you get the AF beep when it's in focus as you would an automatic lens.
Thank you for this, to be honest, I use it entirely like a Point and Shoot and I think that's just how I enjoy using a camera nowadays. I used to have a K1000, then an MX, then moved onto Nikon's in the form of some FE2's and in the end, all I actually wanted was autofocus, hence the move away from manual focus cameras.
I think if I wanted manual focus again I'd just jump back into the world of Pentax. I took some of my favourite ever photos on the MX. Loved it's huge viewfinder, small body size and cheap, but lovely, lenses.
Thank you for your internet validation @liam-h - cute doggo photos btw!
The only camera I've used for three years now is a Canon EOS 300 that I paid a fiver for, along with a Canon 50mm f1.8. Yes, it's not as pocketable as a point and shoot but my god is it so much cheaper - and really quite capable. Far more capable than I am as a photographer - ha.
1 Delta 100
2 HP5
3 Portra 400
4 Superia 400 (was really surprised to get those colours out of Superia, tbh. I only used it as I'd run out of other film)
5 Portra 400