Weird, is it possible you clicked through and put in 'any old date' when first booking PCR for example just to get it booked? My understanding is that the isolation period is the same for everyone and is 10 days from the day following the first day of symptoms or, if asymptomatic, 10 days from the day following the PCR test.
In saying that, Mini's isolation end date (filled in first day of symptoms on NHS site) was x date, the 10 days following symptom day 1 and because our local public health authority system is different and doesn't allow symptoms to be more than 3 days prior to test the lady from the public health authority (they have to call to get info as children can't access and use the online NHS portal thing) said whilst it should be x date, "legally it's 3 days after" due to the restrictions of her data entry parameters!!!! you couldn't make it up.
so the app tells me to isolate till 9th but I got a call from test and trace telling me that I can stop isolating .. what gives?