It may seem strange that Johnson is sticking his neck out for Paterson, but really this whole mechanism (corporate lobbying) is central to his business model.
At the last election, Johnson raised unpredecedented sums through coprorate donation, which was then ploughed back into attack-ads on FB that in turn played no small role in consolidating his 80 seat majority. By protecting Paterson, Johnson is signalling to past and future donors that he is prioritising their ROI, and even prepared to expend some political capital in doing so.
At the last election, Johnson raised unpredecedented sums through coprorate donation, which was then ploughed back into attack-ads on FB that in turn played no small role in consolidating his 80 seat majority. By protecting Paterson, Johnson is signalling to past and future donors that he is prioritising their ROI, and even prepared to expend some political capital in doing so.