I have a Beacon on one bike and a B&M IQ-X on another. Both offer plenty of brightness but the Beacon certainly starts flickering a lot more at low speeds. One benefit of the Beacon is of course that you can plug in a cache battery and that will supplement the light. You pretty much need such a battery for the usb charging from the light as well because a lot of devices won't like the fluctuations in power so people often use the light to charge a cache battery in the day and then use the battery to charge devices or supplement the light when needed.
Planning a singular peregrine build and looking for a front light recommendation (ideally with USB) that will be bright enough to light paths in the pitch black. Hub will be son I think. Any recommendations on here? Thinking sinewave beacon.
Not sure if I need a rear dynamo (would this need a rear dynamo hub or can you route it from the front?) Any thoughts?