Here’s my Chas Roberts, custom built for me in 2000. After my Dad passed away, I thought I’d get a reminder of him, so treated myself! I was measured up and the bike took about 6 weeks to complete. I had 105 kit fitted and originally, it was in Celeste, a bit like Bianchi and the frame is made from Reynolds 725.
I had to have a cable guide replaced, so I decided to change the colour scheme, plus I had carbon forks and an A Head conversion. In 2014, I upgraded the group set to 10 speed 105 and sent from a 53/40 to 52/36 chain rings (old age and knackered knees!)
This is a superb bike, a really good investment. The most comfortable bike I’ve ever ridden. It’s a shame that Chas has hung up his welding torch because this marks the end of an era.
Here’s my Chas Roberts, custom built for me in 2000. After my Dad passed away, I thought I’d get a reminder of him, so treated myself! I was measured up and the bike took about 6 weeks to complete. I had 105 kit fitted and originally, it was in Celeste, a bit like Bianchi and the frame is made from Reynolds 725.
I had to have a cable guide replaced, so I decided to change the colour scheme, plus I had carbon forks and an A Head conversion. In 2014, I upgraded the group set to 10 speed 105 and sent from a 53/40 to 52/36 chain rings (old age and knackered knees!)
This is a superb bike, a really good investment. The most comfortable bike I’ve ever ridden. It’s a shame that Chas has hung up his welding torch because this marks the end of an era.