If it's around Newton Abbot, I used DATEL for a safe 'site' socket, and a complete disconnect of everything else from CU, and checked the earth's etc. Turned up when they said, stayed until it was done even though the quote was for one hour of labour. £160 including vat and parts.
Spartan Gas and heating sorting my gas and boiler next week, been good communication from him so far.
Gavin from Spartan came around and spent 45minutes measuring up and looking at pipe runs etc by torchlight, because, like an idiot, I forgot it got dark so early. (Before I had a safe socket)
If it's around Newton Abbot, I used DATEL for a safe 'site' socket, and a complete disconnect of everything else from CU, and checked the earth's etc. Turned up when they said, stayed until it was done even though the quote was for one hour of labour. £160 including vat and parts.
Spartan Gas and heating sorting my gas and boiler next week, been good communication from him so far.