• We weren't keen to get vaccinated but mild pressure - and weakness on our part.

    What give you the impression that getting vaccinated is a bad thing?

  • Not a bad thing per se. Just something we felt wasn't right for us, personally, at a specific given point in time. It just so happened we, independently, felt the same way - it wasn't a joint decision.

    initially we we considered that we had low cases in our locality, were not high risk in terms of health and age and we didn't mix socially with others and largely tried to keep distance from others in a way that many of my friends and family didn't (their choice). I was/am also a little worried about potential future unknown side-effects from such a new vaccine given that 'real world time' is near on impossible to simulate and synthesise. I also have a slight scepticism around the amount I felt i was being pressured and forced to take the vaccine in a way that didn't seem very objective and balanced, especially with some of the semantics and language choices.

    When my wife got pregnant and cases increased in our locality the needle swung slightly to us reconsidering all the factors and deciding our risk had increased thus chose to have the vaccine.
