Re: taking gels during marathons, I'm a bit minimalist, but mainly for the rather unscientific reason that I hate carrying or taking them. I've got into the habit of downing one just before the start, and taking one about halfway or into the second half. For London this year I supplemented with a few gulps of Lucozade Sport given out on the course. I do think that "hitting the wall" is an overstated danger if you've (a) trained (b) carb-loaded and (c) paced yourself properly.
Been taking things fairly easy since London, putting most of my efforts into the indoor rowing machine, up to 60 mins sessions. Will build a bit more of a base over the next few weeks before trying some time-trials to see if I can get some decent V40 ("lightweight"!) rankings.
Love my Endorphin Speeds!
Re: taking gels during marathons, I'm a bit minimalist, but mainly for the rather unscientific reason that I hate carrying or taking them. I've got into the habit of downing one just before the start, and taking one about halfway or into the second half. For London this year I supplemented with a few gulps of Lucozade Sport given out on the course. I do think that "hitting the wall" is an overstated danger if you've (a) trained (b) carb-loaded and (c) paced yourself properly.
Been taking things fairly easy since London, putting most of my efforts into the indoor rowing machine, up to 60 mins sessions. Will build a bit more of a base over the next few weeks before trying some time-trials to see if I can get some decent V40 ("lightweight"!) rankings.