So, OH and boy are away this week, so I've dug out the Xbone and finally got to play the Shadow of the Tomb Raider game I bought about 4 years ago. Great fun, even if Crofty is still a slaughter machine and you really wonder what Terry Pratchett did to his daughter to leave her so obsessed with putrefying cadavers.
BUT, I completed it and started to install Red Dead 2 last night, and after a while the screen just went blank, and nothing seems to change that. The box will turn on, and when you put a disc in there's a bit of initial whirring, but no pictures. Any thoughts?
So, OH and boy are away this week, so I've dug out the Xbone and finally got to play the Shadow of the Tomb Raider game I bought about 4 years ago. Great fun, even if Crofty is still a slaughter machine and you really wonder what Terry Pratchett did to his daughter to leave her so obsessed with putrefying cadavers.
BUT, I completed it and started to install Red Dead 2 last night, and after a while the screen just went blank, and nothing seems to change that. The box will turn on, and when you put a disc in there's a bit of initial whirring, but no pictures. Any thoughts?