I'll try find a suitable PTFE cable
Can be hard to find in large enough sizes for speaker wire. If you can find a cooking thermometer, take a measurement of the actual temperature in the location you're going to run cable, you might get away with 180°C silicone rubber which is easier to find in suitable cable forms as it's used more in automotive whereas PTFE is mostly used for small internal equipment wiring. If you're a tart about the actual wire form, you can roll your own by pulling bare conductors into PTFE or silicone rubber sleeves, which are easily available in a wide range of sizes. https://www.hilltop-products.co.uk/ are #tester_approved for such things.
You could potentially get two channels (e.g. a stereo pair or bass & treble in an active 2-way speaker) by using the outer case as a common ground. If you do this, make sure your common ground is at ground potential and not just the inverse of the positive.
If you're thinking the local ambient temperature is going to be too high for normal cable, you want to ditch the PVC coating, either strip it off or buy uncoated MICC cable.
PTFE cable will withstand 250C and doesn't involve the specialised termination arrangement required to keep the MI inside MICC cables at the open ends. Also, MICC is messy and difficult to cut to length compared with polymer insulated wire.