Some really good pointers here, thank you. Also thanks @zooeyzooey for the link to that program.
Plenty of rest between sessions should hopefully keep me from blowing up my elbows, fingers crossed.
I have been mixing up between under and neutral grip, need to throw in more overhand ones but I REALLY struggle with wide overhand, my shoulders really don't like that.
The towel offsets sound properly hardcore so look forward to trying those out. Will do a progress (or not!) report in 6 weeks or so. Thanks again!
Some really good pointers here, thank you. Also thanks @zooeyzooey for the link to that program.
Plenty of rest between sessions should hopefully keep me from blowing up my elbows, fingers crossed.
I have been mixing up between under and neutral grip, need to throw in more overhand ones but I REALLY struggle with wide overhand, my shoulders really don't like that.
The towel offsets sound properly hardcore so look forward to trying those out. Will do a progress (or not!) report in 6 weeks or so. Thanks again!