I’d say not good as an industrial press, but ok if you use reflectives designed for domestic irons (thicker adhesive, lower melt point), stick to lower stretch/stress areas, and along seams (but not over) which will stretch less.
Follow instructions / watch YouTube for tips & tricks to get best results. If you’re pressing onto a domestic ironing board, it’s probably a ventilated grill or has lots of small holes in; pop an off cut of wood under the padded cover to get a completely flat, solid surface to press onto. The standard board surface gives irregular adhesion because of the ventilation.
I’d say not good as an industrial press, but ok if you use reflectives designed for domestic irons (thicker adhesive, lower melt point), stick to lower stretch/stress areas, and along seams (but not over) which will stretch less.
Follow instructions / watch YouTube for tips & tricks to get best results. If you’re pressing onto a domestic ironing board, it’s probably a ventilated grill or has lots of small holes in; pop an off cut of wood under the padded cover to get a completely flat, solid surface to press onto. The standard board surface gives irregular adhesion because of the ventilation.