Glad someone beat me to this.
The notch does overlap some area of a game I play but I gain the screen real estate around it.
When using safari etc, because I have the toolbar hidden in full screen mode the whole area just blacks out and its no different to the bezel I had on the M1 13.First impressions of the 16 are, very big, bigger than anticipated, very bright. Had to turn brightness right down last night as it was making high contrast white text difficult to read.
Speakers are really impressive coming from M1 13.
Bottom gets uncomfortably hot when using a lot of power. Might have to get one of those cushion things with a plank on top .Not something I had anticipated and a bit of a turn off, but the extra power is well worth it.
Apparently it isn't a notch in the existing screen but some extra pixels in what used to be the bezel. A 16:9 image is clear of the notch for example.
Right now there isn't anything on the middle bit of my menu bar so having a hole there doesn't seem like a bit problem.