It doesn't make sense to me to have companies that run at a profit then as they cannot charge much more for water either, so doesn't it then come out of tax payer money either way?
It's definitely true the infrastructure needs more money, similar problems exist in NI. (With less turd dumping and higher fines)
We pay for water in our rates but that money been pissed away on other things and of course now they don't want to raise the rates too much.
It doesn't make sense to me to have companies that run at a profit then as they cannot charge much more for water either, so doesn't it then come out of tax payer money either way?
It's definitely true the infrastructure needs more money, similar problems exist in NI. (With less turd dumping and higher fines)
We pay for water in our rates but that money been pissed away on other things and of course now they don't want to raise the rates too much.
But NI water is also a for profit company. (Actually no government owned! But still needs a lot more investment)
I'm happy to pay for investment in rates but not for companies running at a profit who then cannot go broke either as then we have no water.
But I guess I'm not sold on for profit models for essentials, it doesn't seem to actually save money or improve services.