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  • EVOC Explorer? If its anything like the Trail is has pockets n sections for days.

    I was thinking of going for the 20L trail one as i like the sleeve for your helmet on the outside of the bag, 20L of internal space is prob enough for my day to day (at worst some climbing gear for bouldering after work)

  • The Trail is great. I very rarely wear a backpack on the MTB but when I do I forget its there, real snug with the wide velcro waist strap.

    I've used mine for years, a lot on the bike and even more off the bike. Hand luggage on flights etc.

    I take the back protector out and a Mac book air fits in there like a glove. Comes with a rain cover, obviously space and fittings for a bladder and lots of sections for tools, glasses etc.

    Lovely stuff.


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