Considering how limited the choice is and how new those features are (on a socket anyway), I’d say the perfect one probably doesn’t exist. I’d take BG over Lap all day, and the MK ones don’t have those features yet.
Lots of USB sockets have crap charging, mess with electrical testing, and are sold on their features rather than their reliability - the last thing I want is some crap circuitry crammed into an accessory that is connected to mains power. I also don’t want the socket itself to be second fiddle to the USB outlet it has built in.
There’s profit to be made from being the first to market with certain features, but across the board I’ve tended to notice that the better companies tend to take longer to get the same features available on their products.
So in short, I’d wait for MK ones if possible (but that might never even happen), or take the BG ones if I was desperate. But in reality I’m no expert in what’s available. Generally tho, the sparks I know tend to want to know that things are reliable before they install them, as a callout to have a look at a faulty accessory is a complete headache.
What would you suggest then?
What's DP with fast charge and stand by mode?
What brands are better to look at? I'm also. Looking to upgrade my sockets around the flat. Annoying having chargers everywhere