You can fit cinq5 triggers which are dogshit. I find the grip shifter to actually be great as it just pulls cables, doesn’t index
I want my gears to index. Part of the problem with the enviolo, before I destroyed it, was having to stop pedaling on steep climbs to find a gear, then have no idea how many gears I'd changed, and lose all momentum.
Also gripshift involves the whole wrist / arm, is clumsy and un ergonomic. Just utter dogshit all round really.
Look up gebla or gebhla or gehbla boxes believe they allow you to use any brake/shifter with a Rohloff. Been looking at them for my commuter if I ever get round to buying a frame.
I want my gears to index. Part of the problem with the enviolo, before I destroyed it, was having to stop pedaling on steep climbs to find a gear, then have no idea how many gears I'd changed, and lose all momentum.
Also gripshift involves the whole wrist / arm, is clumsy and un ergonomic. Just utter dogshit all round really.