Thanks, I googled it and that's what I did. I Also, with a pair of tweezers, took out the 3 Pawl springs, cleaned them, and gently pichned them to give the pawls a bit more force pushing outwards. A bastard to get the wheel and brake back on, then test rode up a hill and it ran perfectly. Doubled back for a second go and it all went to shit again :(
So I'm booked at Lewisham Cyclery for a total rebuild, I want trigger shifters this time, anyone got a better idea than alfine 8? Rholoff is £££ and from what I heard no more durable
Where did you hear that? I can confidently say that is complete horse poop.
Lol, from a mechanic I met once. You'd say Roloff worth the initial outlay then?
Also need to look at lead time, I'm supposed to be moving house in a couple of weeks
Thanks, I googled it and that's what I did. I Also, with a pair of tweezers, took out the 3 Pawl springs, cleaned them, and gently pichned them to give the pawls a bit more force pushing outwards. A bastard to get the wheel and brake back on, then test rode up a hill and it ran perfectly. Doubled back for a second go and it all went to shit again :(
So I'm booked at Lewisham Cyclery for a total rebuild, I want trigger shifters this time, anyone got a better idea than alfine 8? Rholoff is £££ and from what I heard no more durable