I have managed about 80% of Dune and I think I have the same problem with it like with the David Lynch version. It feels like it just starts in the middle of a story and is missing the part to introduce everything to make you care about any of it. I thought the longer run time would take care of that.
Also visually it's a bit generic and bland, everybodys favourite colour is grey. The Lynch version had a richer look, more variety and a certain nastiness that's missing now so it all feels a bit too cozy and disneyfied.
Also fuck this endless over choreographed hand to hand combat in movies. The sky is full of hardware, press the buttons.
I found the book similar, dropped in to something mid way through. I thought it worked in that context though. I'm off to see the film next week hopefully, I'm excited!
I have managed about 80% of Dune and I think I have the same problem with it like with the David Lynch version. It feels like it just starts in the middle of a story and is missing the part to introduce everything to make you care about any of it. I thought the longer run time would take care of that.
Also visually it's a bit generic and bland, everybodys favourite colour is grey. The Lynch version had a richer look, more variety and a certain nastiness that's missing now so it all feels a bit too cozy and disneyfied.
Also fuck this endless over choreographed hand to hand combat in movies. The sky is full of hardware, press the buttons.