Now you have to weigh up the insurance excess plus subsequent renewal increase versus paying for replacement yourself. As @lynx says a Honda forum may have a better handle on this.
I feel your pain. Had our Jazz done.
Getting hold of non OEM parts literally saved about £1100-1200 compared to what Honda quoted (cat, lambda sensor, exhaust mid-pipe).
Did the replacement myself in the end, as finding a garage that could source cheap parts seemed to be the main hurdle and we were skint at the time.
I have collected two Toyota Prius from different owners that were each targeted twice for the cats. Neither owner wanted the expense of a catloc on the first occasion but both wanted one after lightening had struck twice. I don't know how good catloc is in resisting attack but if you have one fitted it makes your cat less desirable than an unprotected one down the road.
Two other Auris were attacked in one street five doors apart at the same time. It is so common however I don't think we've had anything in that had legitimate protection fitted.