• #227
Dug out an old favourite for the next week.
In order of preference: 4, 1, 3, 2
• #228
Watched The Monster Squad last night, the wife and I's first time.
I enjoyed it for what it is was (1980s early teen comedy horror), once you get over the initial homophobia and F-bombs in the opening 5 minutes. -
• #229
I don't think I've seen that since it came out on video! Prime/Netflix?
• #230
What sort of thing are you after? Mandy and Possessor are two modern horror films I've really, really enjoyed recently.
• #231
"purchased" as I couldn't find a streaming platform with it, unfortunately.
• #232
once you get over the initial homophobia
Tried to watch recently with my partner and i was all "i used to love this film, it's great". We bailed after 5 minutes.
• #233
I don't remember it coming back outside of the opening few minutes, but they "homo" and "faggot" a lot in that one scene. It is quite jarring (waits to be added to a "snowflake" list)
80s movies seem to be rife with homophobia, much more than I really remember.
• #234
Inspired by a recent We Hate Movies, I've dug out a Halloween H20.
I've always had a bit of a soft spot for this film.
It is drek but entertaining drek.Have OG Blair Witch Project lined up for tomorrow, and the 2016 Blair Witch movie for a double bill.
• #235
Mandy was quite fun. Will see if I can get possessor
• #236
Blair witch 3 I should find that. But 2 was so bad
• #237
Beyond The Black Rainbow, Panos Cosmatos' first film is worth a watch as well if you enjoyed Mandy. It's a bit less narrative driven with more of the intense psychedelic stuff that Mandy has. It looks amazing as well!
• #238
Blair Witch - Book of Shit.
I rewatched a few years ago, it was worse than I remembered.
Well worth ignoring.Is 2016 a 3rd instalment or a rehash? I know nothing about it
• #239
I assumed it was a remake of the OG film?
• #240
Halloween horror binge not going too well so far.
Creep 2, creepy, well acted, not scary.
His house, poignant, well acted, not scary.
Halloween 4, i feel sad for the 10 year old me that clung onto this in the video store begging for my mum to let me watch it. If only i could go back and tell myself it's shit and actually Benji the hunted is the better option and actually a bit more scary. -
• #241
watched IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS (1994) this weekend... seems kinda underrated in the carpenter filmography imo. very odd and unsettling vibe throughout. can see the influence on ari aster
• #242
Excellent film IMO, lots of Stephen King references, and a Quatermass and the Pit reference too.
This church just seems bizarre.
https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@43.8941703,-79.3693687,3a,19.7y,254.36h,94.66t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sWYb2zqd1_JCxZy6Hrgc9qA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DWYb2zqd1_JCxZy6Hrgc9qA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D154.11787%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656 -
• #243
I've not seen that in years, is it streaming?
The only copy I even found was a US DVD, and I have not the ability to play it now.
• #245
Way better than it deserves to be and a surprisingly well qualified cast, at least by early 80's standards.
from RT:
If Woody Allen's Manhattan was a cinematic love song to New York, then surely C.H.U.D. is its hate song
• #246
Re-Animator (1985) - Not watched it for years and still rather good.
• #247
Malignant on hbo max - well that was ludicrous fun
Memory says he produced and had a lot of input, but has always been clear that he didn't direct.