• #67077
As an HGV driver?
• #67078
Or a fruit picker.
• #67079
Inflationary wage increase, lol.
• #67080
As an HGV driver?
Might be fun? I mean, it doesn't look like it is from all the articles about shitting in a carrier bag whilst fighting off hoards of thieves and/or doggers whilst the Police give you a parking ticket, but maybe that's fake news.
• #67081
Or Cyber.
• #67082
I was thinking of it as a negative if it wasn't obvious.
• #67083
I know, I was agreeing! Can't understand why others think nominal wage growth is a good thing, unless it exceeds inflation.
• #67084
I don’t know about your market but we are short of people and most applicants are fantasists regarding their worth.
I’d go into a pay negotiation with “give me more money you bastard “ -
• #67085
hoards of thieves and/or doggers
I see you've been to Epping after dark
• #67086
Inflationary wage increase, lol.
Fucking hilarious, just mean we get paid slightly less every day.
Got told “employer is under no obligation“ to match inflation, except for minimum wages of course, which is by law.
• #67087
I’d go into a pay negotiation with “give me more money you bastard “
That's the spirit!
And more to the point, join a union. Get involved in collective bargaining, call a strike if you must. Employers are already hurting from the price increases in rent and raw materials. The threat of a restricted labour supply on top of that can be what forces them to the negotiating table. Better for them to agree on a modest increase in wages across the entire unionised work force than the chaos of separate bargaining with thousands of individual fantasists (as someone called them up-thread) and risk even higher inflation as the economy unravels.We've been through an unprecedented long period of low inflation. It's not entirely coincidental that this period has seen unions on the back foot, the emergence of the gig economy and the kind of arrogance from employers you guys are describing. No, I am not longing for the days of double digit inflation that helped Thatcher into power, but it's worth pointing out that the decades of significant inflation (roughly 1965 - 1995) was also a time when unions were much more influential than today.
Your response to inflation >3% should be "Fuck you, pay me!" not posting clown memes. If your prime concern when voting, or posting memes on social media, is to just demand that the inflation goes away whatever it takes, you've basically given the Tories a veto go get even Torier. Someone upthread pointed out that London's high earning professionals will manage to up their fees/salaries to cover the cost increases. I totally agree. And Revenant pointed out that businesses can pass on costs to consumers through increased prices. I think it will hurt them more than you think, but yes, ultimately that's how they'll weather the crisis. I'd argue that investors will feel the pain more than you guys seem to think, but I won't belabour that point right now.
Basically, there is little the authorities effectively can do to stop businesses increasing the price of cat food, or corporate lawyers padding their fees. What they can do however is to refuse pay rises to nurses and teachers. That's where they can really swing the cut hammer. And they can refuse to increase the minimum wage, even lower it. And there would be cuts to state and council spending of all sorts. While such cuts won't feel nice it has been proven to have a measurable impact in terms of lowering inflation. They can cut VAT. Personally I think that could be an acceptable option if inflation is threatening to go >7%. But keep in mind that this will lower the tax base upon which the public sector depends. And a true Tory (or Republican) would wish for this VAT reduction to become permanent, thereby paving the way for small government and privatisation.
And you're giving the Tories the permission to do all of that if you keep posting clown memes. -
• #67088
VAT should be reduced anyway, flat rate taxes can fuck off, should be more income tax on higher wages, maybe a new extra high band with a decent percentage on it.
I've been with my employer just over a year so will be bringing up an inflationary wage increase, not expecting it to go well as I've been helping the other guys write letters and start negotiating based on the fact they've not had a pay rise in the last 3 years or so. I've probably got a bit more leverage being the only mechanic but I already earn a little more than the shop floor guys and wrangled a percentage of labour bonus when I started. Plus the owner is useless, recently retired to Spain despite attempting to vote Brexit until realising he wasn't registered when trying to, also obviously trying to sell the place between bouts of interfering that do more harm than good.
• #67089
Your response to inflation >3% should be "Fuck you, pay me!" not posting clown memes.
Couldn't we agree on a compromise that we all just post an inflationary number of clown memes?
• #67090
I stand by clown meme
I also am involved in collective bargaining
Why does it have to be either or?
• #67091
Apparently hero's now roll in Range Rovers
• #67092
Nothing heroic about intentionally causing a collision.
Nothing heroic about driving an untaxed vehicle. -
• #67093
Why is 'The Sun' appearing in a news thread?
• #67094
Clown memes.
• #67095
• #67096
Lets be honest, if she'd twatted them with a baseball bat no-one would be discussing whether or not that was OK.
It's amazing what you can get away with if you use a car.
• #67097
I'd say it's more like slowly pushing a sword into someone's back hoping they'll move forwards to avoid getting stabbed, but essentially just stabbing someone gently.
• #67098
"Sherrilyn, a mental health specialist, said she lost her temper......"
Peak fuckery
• #67099
No, really, she says she’s not a violent person. You see, she felt the women were being rude to her, so of course she decided to climb aboard her SUV with her child inside and use the vehicle as a weapon, just to show those nasty women who ignored her.
Makes total sense./heavy s/
Hopefully she’ll lose her license and see jail time, but a more realistic hope is that she’ll lose her job/clients because she’s a fucking nut job.
• #67100
What kind of mental health specialist is she?
You would certainly be mentioning inflation in your annual review or equivalent, ahead of any pay-increase that your work might be thinking of awarding - because what might have been considered a pat on the back could well be a pay-cut.
And I'd expect a lot of workplaces to say "sorry/hands are tied/we think inflation is temporary", and then a fair amount of people moving to a new job.