You would certainly be mentioning inflation in your annual review or equivalent, ahead of any pay-increase that your work might be thinking of awarding - because what might have been considered a pat on the back could well be a pay-cut.
And I'd expect a lot of workplaces to say "sorry/hands are tied/we think inflation is temporary", and then a fair amount of people moving to a new job.
I don’t know about your market but we are short of people and most applicants are fantasists regarding their worth.
I’d go into a pay negotiation with “give me more money you bastard “
You would certainly be mentioning inflation in your annual review or equivalent, ahead of any pay-increase that your work might be thinking of awarding - because what might have been considered a pat on the back could well be a pay-cut.
And I'd expect a lot of workplaces to say "sorry/hands are tied/we think inflation is temporary", and then a fair amount of people moving to a new job.