New handbag arrived, @Airhead you were right - it is bigger than it looks in the photos. Will try it out for a bit. Reckon I might end up getting something with a hard base as it’ll spend most of its life set down on dirty/wet floors, but it deffo solves the issue of decanting this exact set of tools from toolbox to trouser holster pocket every day.
And as you predicted, I’ll probably buy the smaller one, and maybe the bumbag too.
I do still look at the expensive ones but they are a lot more money. The bumbag is great because you don't have to put it down on the floor. Not so useful if you have to lay down though.
New handbag arrived, @Airhead you were right - it is bigger than it looks in the photos. Will try it out for a bit. Reckon I might end up getting something with a hard base as it’ll spend most of its life set down on dirty/wet floors, but it deffo solves the issue of decanting this exact set of tools from toolbox to trouser holster pocket every day.
And as you predicted, I’ll probably buy the smaller one, and maybe the bumbag too.
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