Bit late to this, but really nice pedalboard and black russian BMPs are sooo good 👍
How are you finding the Donner PSU? I don't believe they have isolated outputs but is it reasonably quiet? Been looking at those myself.
I'm looking to get back into building myself the odd pedal and creating a small queue of Fuzz Faces (Ge, Si, Axis...) and a (possibly transofrmer-less) Hudson Boradcast clone. Now need time and the odd component and I can finally crack on!
Bit late to this, but really nice pedalboard and black russian BMPs are sooo good 👍
How are you finding the Donner PSU? I don't believe they have isolated outputs but is it reasonably quiet? Been looking at those myself.
Ta! Yeah, the black Russian muff was my keeper for bass, no annoying fizz and didn't suck the bottom end out. Glad I persevered with the buying/selling game until I came to it.
Yeah, wouldn't have thought they're all isolated outs at that price, but it seems to be OK. Maybe the 500ma is separate from the 100ma? Dunno.
The muff runs from a battery but everything else is plugged in and it seems to be OK, no whistles or weird pops/noises, but some earth hum in the chain. I've got a new set of patch cables now (also Donner) but ran out of servisol contact cleaner... Some of those pedals are pushing a decade of storage, patch cables even longer with visibly tarnished jacks and a cheap amp (Bugera v22) that never stretches its legs so I wasn't expecting a perfect noise floor to start with. That being said, I'd gig it as is - I've engineered for worse. I had a quick "loud front room" blast and it's definitely usable.
Ta! It's the smaller body Epi 339 with the hotter and tapped pups. My first proper guitar hero was Jonny Greenwood so everything is preferred in Sunburst!
Finally sat down with the pedal board this evening, though I'm woefully short on decent patch cables and any kind of finesse in routing. Some of these must be coming near 20 years old.
But I reckon this will be my layout for stoner/doom vibes, might swap the blues driver for the MD2 Distortion for more variation. I'd like to squeeze a big gazey verb in too, but I've got the lexicon rack mount I could use which could more than fill that roll.