Careful when you criticise inflation people. Obviously nobody benefits from a runaway double digit inflation, but depending on circumstances a period of price increases between 3 - 7% can become a nice little catalyst for economic redistribution.
The wealthy see their fortunes erode, whilst the lower rungs of the economic ladder will have a strong case for wage increases. 'Let's lock in an acceptable increase in union wages now, or you risk even worse increases in labour costs next year. '
Careful when you criticise inflation people. Obviously nobody benefits from a runaway double digit inflation, but depending on circumstances a period of price increases between 3 - 7% can become a nice little catalyst for economic redistribution.
The wealthy see their fortunes erode, whilst the lower rungs of the economic ladder will have a strong case for wage increases. 'Let's lock in an acceptable increase in union wages now, or you risk even worse increases in labour costs next year. '