Out of interest, what sort of premium does it attract?
From personal experience looking at Laka a few years back, it was 10% of the bike new price (incl. VAT) per annum - which I found ludicrous.
Paying £500 insurance per annum for a bicycle seemed way excessive as my combined 1x car / 1x motorbike / 1x house premium was lower than that.EDIT: just had a look and a £5k bike is £30pcm and "no more than" £45 so let's say £30x6months+£45x6months=£180+£270=£450
At this rate, you might as well look at leasing a cargo bike since the sums involved are more than a motorised vehicle!
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My bikes are insured on household contents ins. but I was unsure whether the cargo bike (which is used exclusively for work) would be covered as it's a commercial vehicle, so I took the belt & braces approach & insured separately through Laka